‘Be Relaxed and Energised with Yoga’
(with Sue Yoga Scotland Registered Teacher)
The term ‘yoga’ means the yoking together of the body, mind and spirit so the whole person can stay fit, focussed and relaxed.
Yoga practice concentrates on living well today as regrets over the past are useless, as are fantasies about the future. Today is the reality you can do something about, today you can act.
Yoga 4 All
The yoga group meets on Thursdays evenings from 7.00 –
8.15pm in Haggs Church Hall and is open to all who want to join
in gentle stretches to help with mobility and balance, breath work
to calm the emotions and meditation and relaxation activities to
still the mind.
All levels of abilities are catered for, with adaptations and adjust-
ments suggested for anyone with specific physical or emotional
Please come along and join this friendly group.
More details are available from Sue Storrar on 0770 9263588
OM Shanti – Peace be with you all.
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