Welcome to the Haggs Parish Church of Scotland Website
Haggs Church is now linked with Denny Old Church
The use of masks and hand sanitisers will still be required.
Sunday services will be live streamed on Sundays at 11.15 am by our minister on his Facebook page: Minister Denny Old and Haggs.
A Facebook account is required to access.
Link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/815604555526629/

Scottish Charity No. SC014536
CCL No. 309652
Mission Statement
Our Mission is to promote the Good News of the Gospel in our local communities and to be an outward looking, forward thinking, all-embracing Church that provides a warm welcome to all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We seek to show God’s love by serving Christ in our churches and communities with whole hearted commitment.
We recognise the need for mission and outreach within our parishes and plan to create a greater community awareness of what our churches have to offer.
All our aims are based on a sure belief in the character and teaching of Christ, and with God’s help, we are assured that this vision can be fulfilled as we go forward in faith.