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Christian Aid

This year the focus for Christian Aid Week will be the cost-of-living crisis faced by many people around the world. With your help, we can work towards a world where families can escape the trap of poverty caused by wars, conflicts, and the consequences of climate change, and fulfill their ambitions.
Envelopes will be distributed at church on Sunday 12th May and donations can be returned by Sunday 19th May at the Christian Aid lunch.
Members from Haggs and Denny Old also plan to take part in the ‘Kelpies Canter’ walk again in September when all sponsor money will be sent to support the work of Christian Aid.
Your generous support allowed us to send £1,876 to Christian Aid from Haggs in 2023 to help transform the lives of many families around the world by redistributing some wealth to those with so little. We hope you will continue to support this work in 2024.
(Haggs Christian Aid Group)

On 15th October 2022 we are having a sponsored walk which will start at 2 p.m. from the church car park.
If you would like to take part you are welcome and sponsor forms will be available shortly from Sue Storrar.

Earlier this year we had a “Big Brekkie” after church and along with the Christian Aid envelopes the sum of £858.14 was raised. 
This was sent to Christian Aid to help with their never ending work of helping others less fortunate than ourselves.

Christian Aid week this year is 15th –  21st May 2022.

Covid-19, conflict and climate crisis are pushing more of our global neighbours into a struggle for survival. This Christian Aid Week we stand together with our neighbours in Zimbabwe, a country where the impact of the climate crisis is keenly felt and where drought is leading to widespread hunger.

As our neighbours in Zimbabwe are hungry to provide for their families, we are hungry too. We are hungry for justice. We yearn for a time when no child goes to bed hungry. When no woman is robbed of her power to provide for her family. When merciless droughts no longer ravage farmers' crops.

There will be Christian Aid envelopes available in church on Sunday 15th May for returning with donations by 21st May.

We will launch Christain Aid Week with a 'Big Brekkie' after the service at 10.45am on Sunday 15th May in the Church Hall. Please come along for your sausage or bacon rolls and tea or coffee - with all donations going to Christian Aid.

Every gift. Every action. Every prayer. Everyone of us can change lives.


Christian Aid 2020


This Christian Aid Week 10 to 16 May 2020 is going to be very different.
Please remember that your safety is really important to us.
For that reason, we can’t do any form of door-to-door drop-off or collection during Christian Aid Week.

The Christian Aid banner is now up at  the front of our church.

Sue Storrar will including in her daily exercise a walk around the church perimeter 100 times during the week.



Day 1 Sunday 10 May 2020 of Sue's Christian Aid Challenge at Haggs Church:

15 laps of the church completed by Sue as part of her daily exercise - only 85 to do to complete the challenge this week as a mark of solidarity with the women and children in drought stricken Kenya who walk miles each day to collect water to help their family's survive. 

Day 2 of CA Walking Challenge:

15 more laps of the church completed in this morning's sunshine. 70 more to go to raise awareness about the affects of climate change on the most vulnerable people in the world.
"Creator of the seas and skies, in this time of climate crisis, as we pour out our feelings, pour in your Spirit of hope and renew our resolve to work together to stop this climate crisis. ' Amen

Day 3 of CA Walking Challenge:

45 laps of the church completed this week so far!
During this current Coronavirus crisis we have all become more aware of how the world we live in is so interconnected. In the midst of the climate crisis, we find glimmers of hope that adaptations in each of our lives is possible.
'God of the Earth, you saw the land and called it good, yet for so many today, droughts are prolonged, rains delayed and crops have failed. Help us to work together with you and all of creation to stop this climate crisis.' Amen

Day 4 of CA Walking Challenge:

60 laps completed so more than half way towards the target of 100!
Global heating threatens to undo the last 50 years of progress in development, global health and poverty reduction.
What climate change action can we take?
'God who spoke stars into being, challenge, awaken and inspire us to raise our voices with the cry of the Earth the prophets throughput history and the prophets of today in our call for justice, climate justice for all.' Amen

Day 5 of the CA Walking Challenge:

15 more laps completed making 75 in total so far.
Archbishop Desmond Tutu reminds us:'We think of ourselves too frequently as just individuals, separated from one another, whereas you are connected and what you do affects the whole world'.
' Creator God, transform our individual isolation into natural interconnection for the flourishing of all and the glory of your name.' Amen. 

Day 6 of CA Walking Challenge:

90 laps completed - nearly at the target of 100!
Pray that the global economy may stop driving climate change and that, together, we may be able to tackle the roots of inequality, allowing life on Earth to thrive.
'Water of life, who quenches all our thirsts, become in us a spring that gushes up to eternal life, flowing through our giving, acting and praying that all may drink deeply from your abundance and a creation may thrive.' Amen. 

Day 7 Saturday 16 May 2020 of CA Walking Challenge:

100 laps finished!!
We often seek rest and relaxation in nature. As we as admiring the beauty of creation, how might our rest help restore the Earth? 'God forgive us for ignoring the rhythms of nature, for over extending the Earth and each other. Instil in us sustainable ways of resting and enjoying the goodness of creation, and protecting the Earth with all our brothers and sisters.' Amen

To access the Christian Aid material 2020:

Here is the link to our website - https://www.christianaid.org.uk/about-us/christian-aid-week/coronavirus-guidance

Some information about how to sign up for the daily online quiz - https://www.christianaid.org.uk/christian-aid-week/daily-quiz

And how to organise a virtual Christian Aid Week sermon - https://www.christianaid.org.uk/sites/default/files/2020-04/How%20to%20hold%20virtual%20service%20guide.pdf

If you had planned community events, then we hope you will be able to hold them later in the year.

If you had been thinking about doing things differently this year anyway, or if you have new ideas which you could do online, please do drop us a line.

Thanks for all you continue to do for us and we’ll do our very best to support you virtually to make CAW a joyful occasion. Please do check out our website and our social media pages so that we can keep in touch

Facebook: Facebook.com/ChristianAidScotland/

Twitter: Twitter.com/christianaidsco

Instagram: Instagram.com/ChristianAidScotland

Love never fails. Coronavirus impacts all of us. But love unites us all.

Take care, stay safe,

Lauren McFarland
Regional Support Officer

Christian Aid Scotland